Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tortoiseshells and calicos.

Tortoiseshell describes a coat coloring found almost exclusively in female cats. Cats of this color are mottled, with patches of orange or cream and chocolate, black or blue. They are sometimes called torties. Calico cats are often alot alike tortoise shells.

Male tortoiseshells are usually, but not always sterile, so the males are pretty rare.

Tortoiseshells are said to bring good luck, probably because they have a personality that can be diffrent thn most other cats. They are very protective, independent, and loyal.

Tortie                                                   Calico

See the diffrence between the tortoiseshell and the calico? Calicos have white in there coloration.

see these videos, from the humane society! some torties int here too!

Kitty Maximum

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= * =

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