Monday, September 10, 2012

Why Do Cats Like To Be Petted? And Why Do Cats Lift Thier Tail When They're Petted?

Why Do Cats Like To Be Petted?
So, all cats love to be petted. But, why?

1.It feels alot like licking, and your cat knows liking means love, or that they're takien care of.

2.Being petted reminds cats of thier mothers when they were kittens.

Why Do Cats Lift Thier Tail When They're Petted?

The nerve rich area on the back closest to the tail could be considered an "erogenous zone" of sorts. Feline sociologists also say that they are offering a chance to get the scent of their backsides. Another reason is that female cats in heat are getting ready to mate.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

White and Blue eyed Cats

Are cats With White Fur And Blue Eyes Always Blind and or deaf?

No.Some white cats suffer from congenital deafness caused by a degeneration of the inner ear. This condition is associated with blue irises. In white cats with mixed-coloured eyes (odd-eyed cats), it has been found that deafness is more likely to affect the ear on the blue-eyed side.An estimated 72% of the general white and blue eyed cats have been found to be totally deaf.

I have a white and blue eyed cat, and she has no sight problems. I know this for a sad, but true fact. 

It is a common misconception that most people have. But it is not true!

Kitty Maximum

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tortoiseshells and calicos.

Tortoiseshell describes a coat coloring found almost exclusively in female cats. Cats of this color are mottled, with patches of orange or cream and chocolate, black or blue. They are sometimes called torties. Calico cats are often alot alike tortoise shells.

Male tortoiseshells are usually, but not always sterile, so the males are pretty rare.

Tortoiseshells are said to bring good luck, probably because they have a personality that can be diffrent thn most other cats. They are very protective, independent, and loyal.

Tortie                                                   Calico

See the diffrence between the tortoiseshell and the calico? Calicos have white in there coloration.

see these videos, from the humane society! some torties int here too!

Kitty Maximum

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Intro thing!

Hello, welcome, blah de blah.

So this blog is gonna be about cats, cool stuff, facts, how to take care of them, and anything relating to cats.
I'm really a cat person, so dog peeps, bye-bye! I have four cats, plus a lot of cat knowlage, and an obsession.
Im gonna post:
-answers to questions
-cool cat facts
-some funny picture, and videos. but i wont go over board.
-anything i can think of at that moment.

Kitty Maximum

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